As some of you may have heard the news already, today Adobe posted Lightroom 3.2 Release Candidate on the Adobe Labs site. Today I ran tests using the MobileMe plugin version 1.18 (this version is also in pre-release state), but everything runs smoothly, no more dreadful "Unexpected Server Response" errors. So I am pretty confident the fixes Adobe and I put in place will finally make my plugin compatible with Lightroom 3, both for Windows and Mac. If you are a registered user of the MobileMe plugin and have an account at Adobe Labs you might want to grab a copy of the release candidate and beta test Lightroom 3.2 and my plugin with it. If you planning to do so, please create a forum account as well. If there are issues and features to discuss, I'd like to do it in public, so that every beta tester can contribute and communicate with others. Next, drop me a line at and I'll e-mail you version 1.18 to play with. Keep in mind, you must be a registered user of the MobileMe plugin in order to participate. And the last thing, I hope you are as excited as I am!