3.1.0Oct 31, 2021 (Latest Version) |
Lightroom 11 support.
Publish Service: now you can force-sync comments and ratings for selected photos
using the Refresh Comments button on the Comments panel, even when the "Synchronize photo comments and
ratings" option is unchecked in the Piwigo Publish Options section.
Fixed the issue with 2-way metadata sync when the server is in a different timezone.
New metadata field "Album". It maintains the name of the album containing the photo.
New metadata fields for tracking visitor activity: Visits, Downloads. There fields
are available in the Piwigo Metadata fieldset. The Downloads field requires the Download Counter plugin
on the server side, see https://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=705
Publish Service: Synchronize Metadata now also updates the new Visits and Downloads fields.
macOS Big Sur: Resolved the issue with dialog buttons and checkboxes appear clipped.
3.0.4Nov 27, 2020 |
- Implemented detection and automatic handling of server redirects causing HTTP Error 405 during HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection.
- Export Dialog: Fixed the "Requested resource no longer exists on the server" error when the album's thumbnail is missing.
3.0.3Feb 28, 2020 |
- Fixed the issue with user authentication when the server uses lowercase response headers.
- Fixed the "attempt to index global 'photoinfo' (a nil value)" error when synchronizing metadata.
3.0.1Jan 4, 2020 |
- Fixed the "Lightroom preferences file was not found" error in Lightroom 6 and 7.
- macOS: The installer disk image is now properly signed and notarized for macOS Catalina.
- macOS: The installer now supports dark mode on Mojave and Catalina.
3.0.0Nov 17, 2019 |
- Added Lightroom 9 compatibility.
2.9.4May 27, 2018 |
- Now the API handler (ws.php) on Piwigo server can be renamed to hide it from cross-scripting attacks. If you rename the script on the server, make sure put the full URL of the API handler including the script name, in the Server URL field. For example: http://mypiwigo.com/ws-secret0112358.php
- Minor bug fixes.
2.9.3Jan 31, 2018 |
- Reclaim Photos now works correctly when HTTP Access Authentication is in effect (i.e. when a Piwigo installation is protected with .htaccess).
2.9.2Jan 9, 2018 |
- Fixed the issue with splitting keywords containing spaces into multiple keywords.
2.9.1Nov 14, 2017 |
- Fixed the "Error processing server response" error when exported photos have no keywords.
2.9.0Oct 22, 2017 |
- Added support for Piwigo 2.9.
- Added support for Lightroom 7.
- Publish Service: 2-way metadata synchronization. Now photo tags, photo titles and description can be pulled from Piwigo back to Lightroom.
- Private Albums: Fixed the issue with associating Lightroom collections with private albums on Piwigo.
- Other minor fixes.
2.8.3Jan 4, 2017 |
- Improved German translations.
2.8.2Dec 18, 2016 |
- Publish Service - fixed the error in Sync Metadata.
2.8.1Dec 13, 2016 |
- Export Dialog - fixed the issue with parent album selection when creating new albums.
2.8.0Dec 12, 2016 |
- Piwigo 2.8 compatibility.
- Soring photos in album now works much faster thanks to the improvements in Piwigo 2.8.0 API.
- Added the ability to upload photos in raw (DNG, CR2, NEF) format. Requires Piwigo 2.8.0 or above.
- Added support for private albums
- Added the ability to turn an album public or private. Requires Piwigo 2.5.0 or above.
- Added support for video uploads. Requires Piwigo 2.8.3 or above.
- Publish Service - on successful creation of a new Piwigo publish service the plugin now prompts the user to import existing albums.
- Fixed the issue with synchronizing photo tags incorrectly in some situations.
- Image Size Validation - fixed the "?:0: attempt to index a nil value" error when the rendition's size is out of acceptable range.
- AutoUpdate - fixed a bug preventing the installation of plugin updates in some cases.
2.7.1Mar 1, 2016 |
- Import Albums: fixed the issue with the album structure being incorrect in some cases.
- Reclaim Photos: the plugin now ignores non-photo and non-vide files.
- Reclaim Photos: very lange files (over 100 MB in size) cause Lightroom to lock up. Now the plugin skips them.
2.7.0Feb 24, 2016 |
- Publish Service: new major feature - Reclaim Photos. Now you can download Piwigo photos the server to your hard drive and import them to your albums.
- HTTP authorization: fixed several intermittent issues.
- The removal of person tags now works correctly when the Remove Person Info option is in effect.
- Fixed the issue with the photo creation date being set incorrectly in some cases.
- Export Dialog: now switching between export profiles works correctly.
2.6.0Dec 9, 2015 |
- Auto Update: completely re-designed the update mechanism.
- Export Dialog - removed the unused Sort Order option for albums.
- Create Super Album - fixed the "?:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'countHandled' (a nil value)" error.
- Fixed the issue with performance settings not being retained.
- Improved the diagnostic of upload failures due to incorrect image resizing.
- Fixed a rare phenomenon in which UTF8 encoding in watermark presets caused issues with the creation of editing of photo albums.
- Other performance and stability improvements.
2.5.0Aug 9, 2015 |
- Fixed the issue with cross-album publishing where photos might start creating duplicates at Piwigo after editing and re-publishing.
- Publish Service: album settings - added "Remove Person Info" option (Lightroom 6).
- Improved the image size validation mechanism. Now size validation works correctly when rendering uploads from smart previews and doing percentage-based resize (Lightroom 6).
- Lightroom 6: fixed internal error "attempt to compare nil with number" on export when using "Percentage" as the resize type.
- Fixed the "Yielding across C/metamethod is not allowed" error when quickly switching between publish providers or export presets.
- The plugin handles slower connections better and automatically extends upload timeout value when necessary.
- Other fixes and minor improvements.
2.4.0May 16, 2015 |
- Improved flexibility and performance of the throttling mechanism. Instead of pausing after every request the plugin now can issue a series of requests at full throttle, then take a pause.
- Export Settings: added low/high pixel threshold options for validading image size.
- Added the option for turning off cross-album publishing for improved performance.
- Removed the now obsolte option for using chunked uploads. Now the chunked upload method is used automatically when possible.
- Publish Service: album-specific resolution setting now works correctly.
- Puiblish Service: fixed the issue with using global watermarks in folder-specific settings.
- Fixed the issue with dropping off suffixes from filenames containing a period.
- Improved German translations.
- Other fixes and minor improvements.
2.3.2Dec 8, 2014 |
- Export Dialog: Fixed "Assertion Error" when running an older version of Piwigo.
2.3.1Dec 8, 2014 |
- Export Dialog: restored the Piwigo Export Options section.
2.3.0Dec 7, 2014 |
- Added support for TIFF uploads (requires Piwigo 2.6.0 and newer). NOTE: your Piwigo installation must be configured to handle TIFF files.
- Implemented "POODLE" (SSL Vulnerability) detection and remediation.
- Export Dialog: Implemented a persistent caching mechanism allowing the dialog to load known albums much faster.
- Export Dialog: Re-designed the layout.
- Export Dialog: new Quick Filter feature which enables you to search galleries using a text string.
- New Album Dialog: Now you can paste the name of the currently selected folder or collection with a single click.
- Publish Service: Improves support for watermarks when Lightroom presets are stored with the catalog.
- Fixed a rare error when servers reject the pwg.images.checkUpload call.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.2.5Jul 27, 2014 |
- Fixed: Keyword tags are not being applied when the "Include parent keywords" option is turned off.
- Fixed the issue with republishing photos that were deleted through Piwigo's web console.
2.2.4Jun 9, 2014 |
- Added the ability to control whether parent keywords should be included when using the Keyword Filtering feature.
- Now the status line in the "Your Account" section displays the e-mail address of the currently logged in user.
- Restored the "Synchronize Comments and Ratings" option which was accidentally removed in a recent update.
2.2.3May 20, 2014 |
- Fixed the issue with occasional loss of the activation state.
- Fixed the error when using advanced authentication options (HTTP Authentication).
- Implemented better default settings in Export and Publish dialogs.
2.2.2May 12, 2014 |
- Added validation of the user privacy level to avoid the situation when the Lightroom user is unable to access uploaded photos because of an insufficient privacy level.
- Fixed the missing time part of the photo creation date when using chunked uploads.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.2.1Jan 31, 2014 |
- Fixed several compatibility issues with Piwigo 2.6.x: handling of duplicate photos on export, associate images.
- Associate Images: Now you can fine-tune association by File Number Suffix using pattern matching.
- Performance tuning options are now part of Export Settings to enable fine-tuning individual publishing services and export presets.
- Revised German translations.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.2.0Jan 27, 2014 |
- Added the ability to initiate multiple uploads in parallel.
- Added the ability to customize server timeout settings in situations where the default 30 seconds interval is insufficient.
- Now you upload photos in the original JPEG format without any additional processing.
- Associate Images: Implemented the ability to detect and automatically adjust the time difference between the local computer and the server.
- Associate Images: Now you can fine-tune association by File Number Suffix by specifying the characters that should be considered part of the suffix.
- Publish Service: Fixed the "deletedCallback: remotePhotoId is invalid" error when deleting published photos in some situations.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.1.5Jan 15, 2014 |
- Implemented detection of URL redirects on the server.
- Fixed the "?:0: attempt to call method 'getAlbumSet'" error.
2.1.4Jan 11, 2014 | Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue with creating new albums.
2.1.3Jan 8, 2014 | Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue with being unable to log in after changing the password.
- Fixed the issue with deleting published photos.
- Other minor fixes.
2.1.2Jan 4, 2014 | Bug Fixes:
- Sub-albums are being created the top level.
- The plugin ocasionally throws an "Unexpected server response, HTTP Error Code 403" error.
- Other minor fixes.
2.1.1Jan 2, 2014 |
- Fixed the "attempt to call field 'APH_getAlbumInfo' (a nil value)" error when renaming albums.
- Synchronize Metadata: fixed the "attempt to index a nil value" error.
- Fixed a rare error "bad argument #2 to 'format'" .
- Other minor improvements.
2.1.0Dec 31, 2013 |
- Improved session management (the user is prompted to authorize less frequently).
- Improved performance.
- Publish Service - added the ability to customize sharpening options for individual albums.
- Publish Service: fixed the error when reparenting an album.
- Check Photos: fixed the "access to an undefined variable: fileName" error.
- Other minor fixes.
2.0.4Dec 17, 2013 |
- Fixed the issue with creating new albums.
- Export Dialog: the top level of the album hierarchy is now visually separated from real albums.
- Other minor fixes.
2.0.3Dec 14, 2013 |
- Photo Templates: minor improvements.
- Fixed the issue with authenticating after a password change.
- Improved session management (the user is prompted to authorize less frequently).
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.0.1Nov 29, 2013 |
- Mac OS: Fixed the issue with customizing templates for photo titles and description.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
2.0.0Nov 20, 2013 |
- Publish Service: Added the ability to convert albums and album sets into "Super Albums" for managing photos AND albums within a single Piwigo album.
- Now provides the ability to customize photo titles and descriptions using templates that support different combinations of metadata and static text.
- Improved the Automatic Update feature for future plugin versions.
- New installation package for Mac OS.
- Extras - Import Albums now imports empty albums as well.
- Import Albums Structure - Fixed the "Access to an undefined variable: collections" error when processing albums containing both photos and sub-albums.
- Export Dialog - fixed the issue with creating new albums.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
1.13.0Oct 19, 2013 |
- Now the visibility level of individual photos can be controlled using the new "Visibility Level" located on the Metadata panel, in the "Piwigo Metadata" section.
- Fixed the "C stack overflow" error on Mac OS.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
1.12.1Sep 29, 2013 |
- Extras: Import Albums - fixed the "internal error: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (expected table, got nil)" when albums contain both photos and sub-albums.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
1.12.0Jul 26, 2013 |
- Publish Service - added the ability to customize watermark and metadata settings for each individual album.
- Extras - New feature "Find Photos with Comments" enables you to quickly identify published photos that received online comments or ratings.
- Extras - The "Set Album Cover" feature now works correctly.
- Fixed the issue with exporting parent keywords when using the Keyword Filtering feature.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
1.11.0Jun 18, 2013 |
- Added German translation - many thanks to Joerg Knoerchen at www.sensorgrafie.de
- Fixed the issue with renaming unpublished albums.
- Fixed the issue with using album-specific resize options.
- "Export with Previous" after creating new albums now works correctly.
- Other fixes and improvements.
1.10.5May 1, 2013 |
- Fixed the "Can't update this collection. An internal error has occurred: ?:0: attempt to compare number with nil" when synchronizing ratings for albums that does not have any rated photos.
- Fixed the "Can't update this collection. An internal error has occurred: ?:0: attempt to compare number with nil" in some situations when using album-specific export settings.
- Opening the Lightroom Publishing Manager panel and logging into Piwigo no longer triggers the "Not Saved" state unless you actually modify one of publishing options.
1.10.4Apr 20, 2013 |
- Fixed: Lightoom hangs during uploads.
- Fixed the issue with uploading keyword tags in Piwigo 2.5.
1.10.3Apr 17, 2013 |
- Implemented a workaround for the "Error parsing server response" error when Piwigo API responses contain PHP notices.
1.10.2Apr 14, 2013 |
- The plugin is now fully compatible with Piwigo 2.5.
- Implmented a workaround for a Windows specific HTTP Error 12032 (the action must be retried).
- Other minor fixes.
1.10.1Feb 1, 2013 |
- This is a quick fix for the issue in version 1.10.0 causing the plugin to lose its registered status.
1.10.0Feb 1, 2013 |
- Publish Service: added the ability to control image settings (size, JPEG quality) for each album individually.
- Publish Service: now "Associate Images" populates Piwigo Metadata fields correctly.
- Publish Service: the "Associate Images" dialog has been redesigned to fit 13" laptop screens.
- Publish Service: now "Check Photos" clears Piwigo Metadata fields if photos are no longer published through the Piwigo publishing service.
- Fixed: multiple whitespaces in keyword tags cause errors when republishing photos.
- Fixed: field caption in Keyword Filtering - Inclusion Rules reads "Exclusion Rules".
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
1.9.1Jan 7, 2013 |
- New feature - Keyword Filters. Now you can exclude individual keywords or entire keyword trees from the export. For explanation, see the FAQ page.
- Fixed the issue with updating photos published to multiple albums when one of the albums no longer exists on Piwigo.
- Now keyword tags can be not only added but also removed when re-exporting photos.
- Improved generation of photo URLs in the Piwigo section on the Metadata panel.
- Other minor fixes.
1.9.0Dec 14, 2012 |
- Publish Service - All "extras" functions such as Import Albums, Associate Images, Check Photos, etc. are now available right from the Publish Service Settings panel within Lightroom Publishing Manager.
- Extras - Associate Photos: The photo matching algorithm has been significantly improved to provide a faster and more accurate matching, particularly when file names contain spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Added a new method of resolving matching conflicts - now you can prioritize pairing of rendered JPEG copies over raw originals.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Added new matching method "By File Number Suffix" which compares only numeric image suffixes when searching for pairing candidates.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Added new matching method "By File Number Suffix and Capture Time" which chooses candidates based on the combination of the numeric image suffix and photo capture time.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Now when associating photos by capture time you can specify a timezone offset to compensate for the time difference between the server and the local computer, if needed.
- Fixed the 'Missing "method" name' error in Lightroom 2 and 3.
- Fixed the "Tag already exists" error in Piwigo environments using the TypeT@gs plugin.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
1.8.4Nov 13, 2012 |
- Fixed the issue with applying tag ID instead of keywords when the Chunked Uploads option is turned off.
- Publish Service: Fixed the issue with the "HTTP Authentication Required" message popping up when navigating between albums.
1.8.3Nov 8, 2012 |
- Fixed the issue with visibility keywords sometimes not working as expected.
- Fixed the issue with visibility keywords not being applied on republish and sync metadata.
- The "Create Keywords" action has been relocated to the Plug-in Extras menu so it can be accessed even when there are no Piwigo publish services in the catalog.
- Windows OS: Fixed the issue with installing the plugin when the username contains accented characters.
1.8.2Nov 4, 2012 |
- Fixed the intermittent error 'Missing "method" name' causing some uploads to fail.
- Improved the display of rendering and uploading phases on Lightroom's progress indicator.
1.8.1Nov 2, 2012 | This release is a quick fix for the issue with uploads not working introduced in 1.8.0 |
1.8.0Nov 1, 2012 |
- Now you can control the visibility level of uploaded photos. You can specify the default level and also control the visibility level of individual photos using special keywords.
- Fixed a rare issue related to publishing photos into multiple albums.
- Fixed the "attempt to index local 'headers' (a nil value)" error when the server rejects the uploaded photo.
- Added validation of album names.
- Export: fixed a few minor issues with the Export dialog screen.
- Export: fixed the issue with not saving the password in export presets.
1.7.2Jul 8, 2012 |
- Publish Service: Fixed the "You did not specify the Server URL" error when attempting to re-parent an album.
- Publish Service: Fixed the error when attempting to customize the cover photo for an album.
- Fixed the issue with exporting or publishing images with empty "Capture Date" in their metadata.
1.7.1Jun 23, 2012 | This is acomplete list of changes between version 1.6.2 and 1.7.1:
- The plug-in is now compatible with Piwigo 2.4.0.
- Added backward compatibility with Lightroom 2.
- Added support for hosting environments with HTTP Access Authentication (RFC2617).
- Added support for Export operations.
- Improved error handling when server response is empty.
- Improved validation of the server address.
- Improved behavior of the "Associate Photos using File Name and Capture Time" function when Piwigo metadata is missing the time part.
- Improved generation of default descriptions for publish services.
- Associate Photos - fixed the issue with ignoring photos in sub-albums
- Minor fixes and improvements.
1.7.0 (BETA)Jun 20, 2012 |
- Associate Photos - fixed the issue with ignoring photos in sub-albums
1.7.0 (BETA)May 23, 2012 |
- Fixed several glitches in the Export dialog.
- Added compatibility with Piwigo 2.4.0 RC3.
1.7.0 (BETA)May 19, 2012 |
- Added support for Export operations.
- Improved error handling when server response is empty.
- Improved validation of the server address.
- Improved behavior of the "Associate Photos using File Name and Capture Time" function when Piwigo metadata is missing the time part.
- Improved generation of default descriptions for publish services.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
1.6.2Apr 22, 2012 |
- Fixed the issue with moving albums between album sets.
- Sync Metadata - photos failed to syncrhonize are now displayed in a list box at the end of the operation, allowing to save the list to a text file.
- Implemented the ability to reduce server load in a hosted environment by specifying a throttling interval for photo upload requests.
1.6.1Apr 1, 2012 | Additional changes since version 1.6.0 Beta:
- Added the option to turn the "Chunked Uploads" on and off.
- Album thumnails are now generating of the correct size.
- Implemented several internal fixes.
- Added support for Lightroom 4
1.6.0 (978 BETA)Feb 28, 2012 |
- Fixed the issue with photo thumbnails not being generated when performing chunked uploads
1.6.0 (972 BETA)Feb 23, 2012 |
- Added support for chunked uploads (requires Piwigo 2.3.3 and above). This is a major change targeted for customers who are unable to control their PHP environments and increase post size limits to handle large uploads (low post size limits is a typical issue for customers on shared hosting). Chunked uploads transfer photos in small chunks of only 200 KB, which should be sufficient to circumvent even the most rigorous post size limits.
- Added support for file renaming. Now "Synchronize Metadata" also updates the file name of the photo if the name is changed in Lightroom.
- Implemented additional safeguards for PHP notices, warnings, and errors that could affect the interaction between the plug-in and Piwigo API.
1.5.5Feb 21, 2012 |
- Improved diagnostic of upload errors caused by configuration and permission related issues on the server.
1.5.4Feb 19, 2012 |
- Added an option to turn off synchronization of photo comments and ratings which allows improving performance when you are not using comments.
- Now server responses are being sanitized to prevent response parsing errors in situations when the E_NOTICE option is enabled in the PHP configuration.
- Fixed the "image_id not found" error when a previously published photo is removed on Piwigo side.
1.5.3Oct 23, 2011 |
- Fixed: pairing photos works incorrectly when there are more than 500 photos in the online album.
- Improved error reporting when Internet connection is interrupted or blocked by the firewall.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
1.5.2Sep 12, 2011 |
- Fix: "Synchronize Metadata" fails to update photo tags.
1.5.1Sep 10, 2011 |
- Fixed: In some cases "Synchronize Metadata" and "Unmark for Re-Publish" functions can produce a "No photos selected" error even when there are selected photos.
1.5.0Aug 24, 2011 |
- The Extras dialog now detects the active publish service automatically based on the selection in the Publish Services panel.
- Fixed some formatting issues in the French translation.
- Menu items in the publish service's pop-up menu are now localized.
- Added metadata fields for keeping track of photos that were uploaded via the plug-in.
- Losing Internet connection during photo uploads is now handled correctly.
1.4.2Jul 13, 2011 |
- Added the ability to retry uploading individual photos when the server times out during the upload or rejects a photo.
- Improved plug-in's stability in case of intermittent network failures.
- Added the ability to control the resolution of uploaded images.
- Added the option to turn off automatic validation of Image Sizing settings.
- The inadvertently removed in version 1.4.1 "Synchronize Metadata" function is back on the Extras screen.
1.4.1Jul 7, 2011 |
- Fixed the "image_id not found" error when re-publishing or retrieving comments for a photo that no longer exists on Piwigo.
- Deleting a non-published album no longer suggests leaving the album online.
- Now the "Extras" operations display provide feedback via summary messages at the end of processing.
- Import Album Structure no longer creates duplicate albums for existing smart collections.
- Fixed some errors in the French translation.
1.4.0Jun 22, 2011 |
- The plug-in now requires a small registration fee
- Made substantial performance improvements when publishing photos to smart collections
- Renaming albums now works correctly
- Added the ability to upload only the metadata for selected photos (title, description, author name, keywords)
- Fixed the issue with the Un-mark to Republish feature for smart collections
- Added French translation (thanks to Julien Moreau)
- Now before deleting albums the plug-in checks if there are photos on the Piwigo service and issues a more comprehensive warning message than the default Lightroom's one.
- The plug-in now can automatically update itself.
- Improved the ability to re-try uploading photos that failed to upload due to a server error.
- Photos that failed to upload are now displayed in a list box with the ability to save the list to a text file.
- The debug log is now submitted in a compressed form to improve performance.
- Now you can use the Enter key to start a new line in the Submit Debug Log window.
1.3.3Apr 10, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with deleting photos published to multiple albums
1.3.2Apr 9, 2011 |
- Fixed the "attempt to index local 'exportSettings' (a nil value)" and "attempt to index local 'settings' (a nil value)" errors when re-parenting Piwigo collections
- Fixed the "Access denied" when the Piwigo URL contains uppercase characters
- Now when you attempt to move a private album you'll get a comprehensive error message
1.3.1Apr 7, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with user authentication in some cases
1.3.0Apr 4, 2011 |
- Added the ability to import the album structure from Piwigo into Lightroom's publish service
- Added the ability to automatically populate published collections with photos already existing on Piwigo
- Fixed the issue with uploading multiple copies of the same photo when the photo is published through a smart published collection
- Other fixes and improvements
1.2.0 (381 BETA)Feb 21, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with creating the album hierarchy using album sets
1.2.0 (380 BETA)Feb 21, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with duplicate photos remaining in the gallery after re-publishing
- Fixed the "attempt to index local 'propertyTable' (a nil value)" error when submitting the debug log
- Implemented a change for the upcoming Piwigo 2.2 that will allow to retain existing comments and ratings when re-publishing photos.
1.2.0 (357 BETA)Feb 11, 2011 |
- Implemented a workaround for the "There is something wrong with CryptUnprotectData" error.
1.2.0 (347 BETA)Jan 27, 2011 | Now updating keyword tags will automatically mark affected photos for re-publishing.
NOTE: If you have an earlier version of the plug-in installed, you must modify the Piwigo Publish Service settings for the fix to take effect. Simply go to the Lightroom Publishing Manager, log-in, then check/un-check any check-box - this will enable the Save button. Return the check box in its original state and click Save. |
1.2.0 (345 BETA)Jan 26, 2011 |
- Fixed issues with using multiple publish services.
1.2.0 (326 BETA)Jan 25, 2011 |
- Added a check to ensure that the server is ready to accept uploads from the user.
- Added validation of the Image Sizing settings. The plug-in will issue a warning if the dimensions of rendered photos are outside of the 500 - 10000 pixels range.
1.2.0 (304 BETA)Jan 21, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with a missing script file on Mac OS
1.2.0 (302 BETA)Jan 21, 2011 |
- Fixed the "error code1003 invalid category_id" error when trying to upload to a new album.
1.2.0 (297 BETA)Jan 21, 2011 |
- Fixed the issue with re-parenting to a previously unpublished album or album set
- Fixed the issue with navigating to an unpublished album. Instead of a "URL not found" error, now you get a message explaining that the album has not been published.
- Now you can create several Piwigo publish services, each with a unique combination of hosting parameters (Server/Username/Password)
1.1Dec 23, 2010 | This is the first public release of the plug-in. |
1.0.266 (beta)Dec 2, 2010 | This update is mostly code optimizations and slightly improved handling of the situations when previously published photos and albums are removed from Piwigo outsize of Lightroom. |
1.0.258 (beta)Nov 25, 2010 | Fixed the issue of re-parenting albums contained in an album set to the top level of album hierarchy. |
1.0.252 (beta)Nov 25, 2010 | Fixed the "attempt to index global 'propertyTable'" error when saving connection settings. |
1.0.251 (beta)Nov 23, 2010 | Fixed the issue with creating new publish services. |
1.0.242 (beta)Nov 22, 2010 | Found and fixed a rather intricate bug related to republishing a photo that has been deleted from Piwigo service, if the photo had originally been published to multiple albums. |
1.0.228 (beta)Nov 22, 2010 | When a photo has been deleted from Piwigo service, "Go to photo in Piwigo" now displays an intelligent error message instead of trying to open a non-existent page in the web browser.
1.0.226 (beta)Nov 22, 2010 | Fixed the "attempt to index field '?'" error when editing settings for an album set which no longer exists on Piwigo. |
1.0.225 (beta)Nov 21, 2010 |
- Added the ability to create multiple Publish Services, each with an individual set of login credentials
- Fixed the error when re-parenting a unpublished album
- Fixed the error when using the "Go to Album in Piwigo" option
- Improved handling of situations when albums or photos are deleted from Piwigo service outside of Lightroom
1.0.216 (beta)Nov 13, 2010 | Now the "Edit Album Set..." dialog allows you to edit the comment for an album set. |
1.0.217 (beta)Nov 13, 2010 | Now the privacy level for uploaded photos is zero (Everyone). NOTE: It will be possible to control the privacy level in a following version of the plug-in. |
1.0.203 (beta)Nov 11, 2010 | Fixed the issue with publishing additional photos to an already existing album.
#202 fixes the issue with failure to re-publish an already published photo. |
1.0.202 (beta)Nov 10, 2010 | Fixed the error when trying to re-publish an already published photo. |
1.0.196 (beta)Nov 9, 2010 | This the initial release of the beta version. |