2.2.0 is available for download.
Changes in this version:
- Publish Service - All "extras" functions (such as Import Albums, Associate Images, Check Photos, etc.) are now available right from the Publish Service Settings panel within Lightroom Publishing Manager.
- Extras - Associate Photos: The photo matching algorithm has been significantly improved to provide a faster and more accurate pairing, particularly when file names contain spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Added a new pairing conflict resolution method - now you can prioritize pairing of rendered copies (JPEG and TIFF) over raw originals.
- Extras - Associate Photos: Added a new matching method "By File Number Suffix" which compares only numeric image suffixes when searching for candidates.
- Improved handling of unexpected server errors.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
For a detailed list of changes, see the
AdoramaPix Export Plugin home page.