#1 | Written by Jim O'Brien about 9 years ago.Reply
This is an excellent plugin! I had an issue which I brought to Vladimir’s attention; he came up with a solution to address the problem right away. This plugin really improves our efficiency in working with Piwigo. I know we would not be using Piwigo today if we didn’t have this plugin. Thanks!
#2 | Written by Ryan Smith about 9 years ago.Reply
This is great for exporting to NextGen. However I notice in ver 3.0+ it’s supposed to support uploading to a wordpress standard gallery. I can’t figure out any way to create a gallery that will be uploaded outside of NextGen gallery.
The native media library doesn’t support galleries. You can create a pseudo-gallery (WordPress 3.5 and higher) when you create a new post. The downside is that you need to individually select images that you want to add (you can only filter images by date)
More about galleries via the native media library: https://en.support.wordpress.com/gallery/
I’m getting an error that causes me to have to restart the plugin, and re-grant access in my browser to Box) every time I publish from Lightroom (the latest CC build, 1090788) on Mac OS X 10.11.6. The error that comes up is:
“Internal Error
LrPrefs: attempt to write to invalid prefs key type string, value”
BoxExport 2.9.1 (#395)
Can you help? I’m not going to buy this very useful plugin unless this can be resolved, at which point I’d be happy to!
You can’t change the root folder on a publish service, you need to create a new publish service pointing to the root folder you need.
If you are in the Export Dialog, then you just need to log out and the root folder options become enabled.
#13 | Written by Andy nelson about 8 years ago.Reply
I am using LrVoyager with Lr 6.
I have installed. I have registered and paid and activated. I can see LrVoyager listed in my Plugin Manager list as ‘installed and active’.
However, I do not see it listed in the Plugin Extras list. So I cannot access any feature or service, cannot run anything so it is currently pointless.
Can you advise on potential fix?
403 errors are usually a sign of misbehaving security measures. Start by turning off mod_security, see if that solves the issue. If it does then review and revise its rules. Next suspect is a rate-limit imposed by your hosting provider (read about related issues on this page).
Just having to reinstall everything on a new laptop and so downloaded Piwigp plugin v2.9.0 – run it as admin – start lightroom (standalone) – it doesn’t appear in plugin manager 🙁
getting an error message saying I’m using the “limit file size option” but I’m not. I’ve gone in twice to change the setting and set it again with the option not selected, saved it and tried again but the same result.
Hi Per. Dropbox doesn’t support titles and descriptions. All you can do is customize the file name on export (use the File Naming section) and put the title there.
In Lightroom folders and collections serve different purposes. You can’t just publish a set of folders, you need to create collection inside the Dropbox Publish Service and fill them with photos you want to publish. That is how pretty much every other Lightroom publishing service works. The following article gives a very nice explanation of the distinctions between Folders and Collections: https://improvephotography.com/45214/lightroom-folders-vs-collections-simple-explanation/
#30 | Written by Phil Burton about 5 years ago.Reply
How can I migrate a set of collections that I haven’t included in a Publish Service? I have a lot of very old catalogs that I need to consolidate into my main catalog. There are collections in some of these catalogs and I want to migrate just some selected collections, not the entire catalog.
#32 | Written by Bob Weybrecht about 5 years ago.Reply
NextGEN Gallery provides for 3 data fields for images: Alt & Title Text, Description, and Tags. The plugin only addresses the 1st two. Would it be possible to add the ability to populate the Tags field as well? Google seems to key on the Tags field.
Tags are already supported. Keywords are being stamped by LR into exported JPEGs and thus passed on to NextGEN unless your tell Lightroom not to. Check your Metadata settings on export – keywords will be stripped out by LR unless you use one of the three “All …” options.
#34 | Written by Bob Weybrecht about 5 years ago.Reply
In the Photo Templates area, I have the ability to choose what metadata is put in the Title and Description areas. What I am asking for is to be able to also select what metadata is put in the Tag area, in the same way as the others. I would prefer not to load it with all the keywords.
Alas, that is not possible. NextGEN does not provide an API method to programmatically control the contents of the Tag field. As I mentioned before, NextGEN uses IPTC keywords from JPEG images.
I understand you may want to hide some of the private keywords that you don’t want to appear in your published photos. You may want to take a look at Metadata Wrangler – a very powerful post-processing plugin by Jeffrey Friedl, it is capable of keyword filtering. Here is the link: http://regex.info/blog/lightroom-goodies/metadata-wrangler With this plugin you will be able to strip out certain keywords from rendered JPEGs before they are uploaded.
#36 | Written by Ernst Wilhelm Grueter about 5 years ago.Reply
Will your plugin support a one way synchronisation from Lightroom to Nextgen or does it support an export functionality.
Just download and install without activating, the plugin will run in the free mode. There will be some functional restrictions though.
#40 | Written by Gavin Anderson about 5 years ago.Reply
I’ve installed this, but it doesn’t show up as an option in Lightroom on the Mac. I’m using the newest version of Lightroom, and the newest version of Piwigo.
I’m evaluating the plugin and I have some questions before purchasing.
Plugin v3.0.4
Piwigo v11.0.1
When I go to publish I’m getting a generic “Upload Failed” error. When I log into website, I see that album is created and photos added*.
*Explaining the asterisk: The photos are added but they’ll first appear as orphans but given a little time they appear in the album. I believe this to be an issue with Piwigo and maybe not so much with the plugin. Piwigo I’m assuming is having to do some post-processing after the plugin uploads to the website.
I reviewed your debug log and it appears that your server takes quite a long time to process uploaded photos and respond with their ID. The default setting in the plugin is to wait 30 seconds. You can increase the timeout period and wait longer. Another option – look into the performance issue on the server’s side.
#46 | Written by Kent McPherson about 4 years ago.Reply
If I use the Reclaim Photos button to pull all photos from DB down into my LR database, does it create folders in LR to match the folders in DB and then add those to the corresponding collection the publish service?
I did not understand well what i can do or not with Voyager !
This is my need : i want to organize better my albums in Flick. For that, i want to transfer some pictures from an album to another and keep the comments.
And also i need to create a new album in flickr via Lrc and transfer some pictures from another album in it.
Is it possible with Voyager ?!
Hi Vladimir,
The Lightroom Voyager helps when you need to transfer publish services from one catalog to another, so it is not going to help with organizing albums on Flickr, unfortunately.
Only Lightroom Classic can use plugins. Lightroom CC (the cloud-based version) does not support third-party plugins.
#52 | Written by Jan Kjellin about 2 years ago.Reply
I recently set up a Piwigo-site just to try it out and see if it met my demands for a simple portfolio site. It turned out to have much more potential than that. Then I found out about this plugin last weekend and decided to try the free version. About ten minutes later, I bought the full version. Stiill learning the ropes, but WOW! This plugin really provides the perfect integration between Lightroom and Piwigo and is also changing the way I work with metatagging.