1.0.6 is available for download.
This update features a number of fixes and improvements. Also, this update implements backward compatibility with Lightroom 2.4-2.7 and adds support for Export operations.
One of the major additions is the ability to manage only "owned" albums - this is a great feature suggested by Peter Persing who also helped me tremendously with testing and troubleshooting a few issues with the sort order in Gallery albums. This new feature allows multiple users (for example, family members) to manage their albums in a single Gallery hosting environment. With the "Manage my own albums" option selected, each account won't see or attempt to synchronize photos in other users' albums.
IMPORTANT: Version 1.0.6 requires the "REST User API" module for Gallery. The module can be downloaded here:
For a detailed list of changes and to download the update, see the
Gallery Plug-in home page.