Version 2.4.0 is available for download.
Changes in this version:
- Publish Service: now image settings (size, resolution, quality level, image format, color space) can be individually customized for each album.
- Added the ability to upload photos in their original format (without applying any conversion or resizing), provided the photos are already in the supported format (JPEG or TIFF).
- Opening the Lightroom Publishing Manager panel and logging into the service no longer triggers the "Not Saved" status unless you actually modify one of the publishing options.
- Extras - Import Album Structure now works much faster, especially with a very large number of albums in the account.
- Improved the handling of a Windows specific HTTP Error 12032 (the action must be retried).
- Fixed the issue with being unable to rename unpublished albums.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
For a detailed list of changes, see the AdoramaPix Export Plugin home page.